Madison, WI--Great Scott Walker loves creating numbers. He loves creating the numbers used to attack his opponent Tony Evers.
Great Scott Walker hasn't created the number of jobs he promised, but that doesn't mean anything when it comes to more people working in the state. Why should we want Great Scott Walker to keep his promises?
Great Scott Walker loves to tout the fact he didn't raise property taxes, but most counties have added extra taxes or fees to make up money they aren't getting from property taxes. Don't forget that property values dropped in the state, but tax bills never matched the percentage drop of the home value. Why would we want Great Scott Walker to be honest?
Great Scott Walker loves to say Tony Evers is going to raise the gas tax a dollar, but Tony Evers never said such a thing, but that doesn't stop Great Scott Walker from making such claims in his negative ads. Why would we want Great Scott Walker to fix our roads because he is too busy taking the state plane for his daily commute?
Great Scott Walker will continue throwing mud because he doesn't know what it is like to run a company or run a state.
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